Request for statement
Welcome to the electronic application for submitting your application ("Application") for the issuance of a statement on the existence of an electronic communications network ("Statement") of the company Systém NET Line s.r.o. (Systém Net Line).
Please have the following information ready to submit your Application:
- identification of you as an applicant (“Applicant”) and / or who is a builder (“Builder”); and
- definition of the scope of the territory for which you wish to enter the Application ("Area of Interest").
We accept a Request for a statement only in electronic form. Based on your choice, we will deliver the statement to you by e-mail, data box or postal service. The statement fees differ based on the chosen delivery method: 0 CZK for e-mail delivery, 500 CZK for data box delivery, 1000 CZK for postal service delivery. The statement contains all the requisites of an official document (stamp, signature).
If you have any questions, please contact us at projekce@line.cz.